LAVA HD-250 Outdoor HDTV Antenna

UHF/VHF Reception
Easy Installation.
Dose not need any power.
Good for range up to 45 miles 


SKU: HD-250 Categories: ,

The HD-250 HDTV antenna is the most simple and efficient antenna for your home and office. Compact design and easy installation.

Free for Life – Never pay your cable or satellite fee for television again! You can get all local channels crystal clear and absolutely free! This antenna can pull in all of your local news, sitcoms, kids and sports programs. Simply connect the antenna to your TV using a coaxial cable, perform a channel scan, and in minutes you’ll be enjoying your free local programs.
The Best Picture and Sound Quality – You can now experience HDTV in the highest quality picture and sound available. Over-the-air broadcasts are transmitted in uncompressed full HD (1080P), ultra HD (4K) and 3D channels; far surpassing what cable and satellite offer. Many local broadcasts are digitally aired in Dolby 5.1 Surround Sound giving you the ultimate sound stage for watching live television.

Receive Free Local HDTV, VHF and UHF Signals – Optimized for 1080P digital reception, this antenna allows you to pick up free local VHF and UHF high-definition and standard definition signals. The cross-phase, multi-element design is built with superior construction to withstand tough outdoor weather conditions. Maximal Range: 45 Miles.



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